Sunday, June 1, 2008

Talking with God

COMMUNION_  JEFF.IN  V-10 N-1  SUNDAY_  62-0204
  47    Now, you do not commune by radio, because you cannot talk back, or television. But when you can by telephone, because you are communing one to another; it just isn't one side. It is... I cannot commune with you now, because you do not talk back. So therefore, it would not be coming to hear a minister deliver his message. That would not be coming together to communing. Communion would not be that... If you come just to commune with the minister, you'd call him to one side, or any individual, and commune with him or she.
But to what we come into communion, is for each of us as individuals to commune with Christ. That is communing. Then communing is not altogether one doing the talking, us doing all the talking, but waiting and seeing what He says back to us.

COMMUNION_  JEFF.IN  V-10 N-1  SUNDAY_  62-0204
  49    Now, there's where, many times that we make our great mistakes is we do all the talking and don't wait and give Him a chance to answer back. We go sometimes, say, "Lord, I would that You would do so-and-so and so-and-so. Amen," and get up and leave. Now, that really isn't communing. That's going and asking a favor. But when you stay long enough until He answers back, that's when you're getting communion, communing with the Lord. Now, and a great way to commune is to be agreed; you must agree upon certain things. Now, and it's strange that sometimes when we get those things...
Eating is associated with it. Now, you take business people, when they want to make a business deal, they'll invite somebody out to dinner, and after they are set down and eat, and then talk with one another. A good salesman, usually he cannot talk to a person on an empty stomach. It's best to wait till he is feeling good, and then after he has his breakfast. Don't get up there and get him out of bed and tell him about something you got to sell him, but wait till he has his breakfast and--and is set all right in condition.

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