Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good for the Heart

Occasionally I get bold and experimental and venture into other avenues.

This time while grazing for bargains (which helps the experimental side of me) , I picked up a quart of "organic oat ' a non dairy beverage as a delicious alternative to soy.

No I am not a health nut, at least I don't view my self that way. I have been know to devour a 10 ounce bag of chips without any problems - on rare occasions. But I do like oatmeal, and porridge a lot. So I figured this wasn't too bad a loss. The bargain only set me back about $1.50. So no major loss on the experiment.

So here goes another delicious and nutritious smoothie. Definitely for the heart.

1 cup 'organic oat' drink - from Pacific Natural Foods (there is their free pitch)
1/2 cup raspberry yogurt
1 cup 100% Pomegranate Juice

Blend on high and enjoy. Serves about 2 1/2 servings.

Definitely a repeater. The tart tasted of the raspberries is mellowed out a little with the Pom. Slight oat taste, but for the most part one wouldn't know.

Personal rating 7+

Fast food tip: Pita pizzas, simple and quick to prepare only limited by your imagination.

1 Pita pocket - spread tomato sauce (preferably spaghetti sauce) -cover with some mild cheddar cheese. Bake in oven for about 5 minutes or till cheese bubbles - (uses a cookie sheet or stone underneath to catch the melted cheese).

That is the simplest version, add meats or whatever else you want plus different cheeses. Immediate success with hungry children.

Hey I did that, after taking three boys on a field trip. Stopped at my house and feed them. As a bachelor it was a immediate success, each kid had two pita pizzas each. I couldn't keep up hardly.

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